100% kostenlos. Jederzeit kündbar.
Sind Sie es leid, dass nur verärgerte Kunden Bewertungen hinterlassen? Mit Linqe können Sie Bewertungen sammeln und die Negativen herausfiltern - alles an einem Ort.
Per WhatsApp, SMS, E-Mail und QR-Code.
Filtern Sie negative Bewertungen automatisch heraus.
Verwalte und beantworte alle Bewertungen an einem Ort.
Analysieren Sie alle Ihre Bewertungen in einem Dashboard.
Linqe ist in mehr als 25 Plattformen integriert.
A customer has received a review request, but has not yet submitted a review? No problem.
The system sends out an automatic reminder.
Not only increase your SEO and Google ranking, but also showcase potential customers directly on your website that you are #1 in your industry.
Your SEO and Google ranking is rising, now let's boost your social media account too and get even more customers on board.
Our plans include all the features with no hidden costs. Whether QR code integration, an all-in-one analytics dashboard, social sharing or filtering negative reviews - everything is included.
Whether TripAdvisor, Google, Trustpilot, Yelp or AirBnB, with over 25+ integrated review portals, we cover a broad spectrum.
Thanks to Linqe, we collected 247 positive 5-star reviews without receiving any negative reviews. In the following month, we increased our sales by 36.8%.
Thanks to the integration of Linqe, to date we already received over 70 positive reviews from our patients. The software allows us to receive positive reviews only and prevents negative reviews, most of which are false. As a result, we were able to significantly increase our patient satisfaction and saw a remarkable 27% increase in our practice turnover. An absolute must for every modern dental practice!
We often had to deal with somewhat bad reviews as some people are frustrated if they aren't allowed into some of our venues. Linqe has made it possible for us to collect great reviews for our restaurants and greatly reduce the negative ones.